March 30, 2020
Note: Course enrollment for the summer term has been postponed for Fudan University's degree students. Accordingly FISS has also decided to postpone course enrollment to the end of May or June. We will update the website once we have the dates when the enrollment system will be open for FISS applicants.
Mach 19, 2020:
Foundation of Data Science (ECON170017) has been cancelled.
Introduction to AI (ECON170013) has been cancelled.
March 11, 2020:
Frontiers in Materials Science (MATE170002) has been added as a new course.
Feb. 25, 2020:
Understanding Mathematics (MATH170001) has been cancelled.
Feb. 20, 2020:
The foundations of cinema (ECON170028) has been cancelled due to the professor's availability.